In many ways, the practice of yoga has been my salvation. By yoga I do not mean just the execution of postures and breathing techniques in Hatha Yoga but also the various aspects of Raja Yoga like meditation, chanting etc. Firstly, I turned to yoga when I had suspected ovarian cancer which fortunately turned out to be less formidable though still physically challenging. Secondly, and much more importantly, I turned to yoga throughout the major emotional upheavals of my life. It is through yoga and my spiritual practises that I found my strength, self-confidence and emotional balance. I can’t tell you enough what it has done for me.
Sharing With Others
My motivation to teach yoga is to share with others the benefits that I personally have discovered from its regular practise. People are always searching for ways to be healthy and for ways to be happy. Through my exposure to Spiritual Teachers, I became healthy and happy and it makes sense to tell others about it, through my classes and books. The wonderful thing about yoga is that it’s not religion-based so it’s in harmony with most religious view-points.
Though I began with the Sivananda tradition in Singapore, I’ve assimilated many other traditions and incorporated different practises which suited me. My teaching is thus the same, plucked from various teachings to suit my individual client or class. Although I qualified as a British Wheel of Yoga Diploma Teacher, my learning is still continuing, learning from different gurus to teach different aspects; like using yoga as a therapy, using mantras to heal etc. I’ve been very lucky to have studied under Swami Devananda, Swami Satchidananda, Sri Desikachar, Swami Namadeva, the Dalai Lama and many others. During my three month stay in Nepal where I was teaching English, I had a chance to visit Tibet. Whilst in the Himalayas, I met and learnt from various monks, gurus and sages who taught me many valuable and esoteric practises which deepened my spiritual understanding.
My Journey
I’ve always had a yearning to discover the Truth out there. I explored it through religion and philosophy, studying the subjects at intimate levels, going through intense rituals. I’ve learnt that all religions have basic tenets that are based on goodness and divinity. Therefore it’s important to respect others’ beliefs. I’ve learnt that the best start towards spirituality is to start becoming aware of oneself and one’s contribution to humanity and the world. This is my journey.For me, yoga is a living practice, every single hour, every single day in my ordinary everyday life.
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