Ayam Buah Keluak and the Art of Writing: a memoir on living creatively
Your creativity is your gift to the world.
Josephine Chia tries to illustrate this in her book, Ayam Buah Keluak and the Art of Writing (& Cooking), an account of her own emotional and writing journey. She believes that creativity is a portal to our inner strengths and talents, and can help us delve deeper into more meaningful experiences.
Josephine shares the parallels between two of the things she loves most—cooking and writing. As a craft and art, each goes through similar processes of creation.
Being a Peranakan, she shares her culture’s quintessential recipe, Ayam Buah Keluak, as a metaphor for her philosophy, peppering it with the wisdom of yoga.
In this heartbreaking memoir, Josephine bares her soul so that others who are experiencing what she had gone through, will take steps to save themselves. This book is her gift to them.
Published by Ethos Books 2024. ISBN 978 981 8791 8.
For me, yoga is a living practice, every single hour, every single day in my ordinary everyday life.
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